
Branch of industry
Branch of industry
3D Decorator
Moveable 3D Decorating unit for strings and other decorating designs
Airconditioning system for coating process
System for conditioning of air applied for drying purposes of a batch of products in a coating pan.
Automatic Coating Pan
Automatic Coating Pan installation, complete and turn key, for coating with sugar, chocolate, fat mass coatings and sugarless solutions.
Ball Forming Line
Ball forming lines to produce solid or center filled cylindrical products wit an output of up to 380.000 pieces/hour.
Ball forming machine CBF
Continuous ball formers for the production of cylindrical shaped products like soft candies, fruit pastes, bubble gums  and comparable masses.
Ball Mill
Low capacity ball mill refiner for small and medium chocolate producers and confectioneries.
Batch cooker
Batch cooker for sugar masses.
Batch tempering machine
Chocolate batch tempering machine for 40 or 100 Kg
Buffer tank
Buffer tank for integration in production process.
Bunch wrapper CWLB 600-800
High speed bunch wrapping machine for ball shaped lollypops with speed up 800 ppm.
Chocolate depositer KCM Beta
Industrial chocolate depositor with 3-axis motion depositor for producing  solid product and solid with ingredients. This depositor is particularly suitable to be retrofitted to exiting lines, also from third party manufacturers.
Chocolate depositor KCM Alpha
Chocolate depositing machine for the production of one shot chocolates and free dressing applications in demanding industrial conditions.
Chocolate depositor KCM Alpha Compact
Perfect chcolate depositor for small and medium scale production of solid or filled pralines.
Chocolate depositor KCM Eta/Theta
Cantilever design industrial chocolate depositor can be easily retrofitted onto existing moulding lines and is suitable for producing solid chocolate articles, one shot products and decoration work.
Chocolate pump
Chocolate pump for the transfer of warm chocolate masses, cocoa masses, cocoa butter and other fatty masses.
Chocolate pump BCH
Pump for the transfer of chocolate, compounds, creams and similar type of masses.