Sponge cake / waffle cake combo

Built on skid installation for the continuous preparation, aeration and mixing of sponge cake or waffle cake batter.




  • closed, hygienic production of sponge cake
  • Jacketed premixer and tanks possible for cooling the batter
  • cooling unit included
 Funkcie  Výhody
PLC controlled (also the premixers)
  • process conrol
  • ukladanie receptov
  • jednoduchá obsluha
Vyhotovenie z nehrdzavejúcej ocele
  • hygiena
  • ľahko sa čistí
Miešacia hlava s plášťom
  • regulácia teploty
CIP pumps
  • jednoduché čistenie


Informácie o výrobku

Ďalšie informácie


aeration, mixing


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