Industrial Coffee Roaster

Machine for natural roasting of green coffee beans, nuts, cereals with a roasting capacity between 15kg up to 30 kg/cycle obtaining 3 up to 5 roasting cycles per hour, depending on the type of coffee and roasting point. It provides a modulating control of temperature, PLC with intelligent software and touch screen in order to generate and follow up the roasting profiles. All roasting cycles obtain the same roasting profile and roasting recipes can be customized and stored according to each product origin.
With its average size it can be fitted almost  anywhere and continuously work in automatic or semi automatioce mode at all time maintaining superb quality.


Eigenschaften Vorteile
Trichter beladen Einfache Installation
Gas heating Elegantes Aussehen
Hot air recuperation and recycling Niedrige Instandhaltungskosten
Isolation with cremaics fiber of 1250 °C Safety, energy saving, efficiiency
Refractory steel hearth No maintenance
Independent fans for roasting and cooling. Temp control
Chaff cyclone incinerator.
Independent electrical cabinet. Increased safety and control
Modulating burner Energy saving
PLC and touch screen Full control of proces parameters


Technische Einzelheiten
Abmessungen L 2300 x W 1800 x H 2170-2480 MM
Gewicht 1500 kg
Spannung Three phase 380V + N+E  50/60 Hz

Informationen zum Produkt

Zusätzliche Informationen


Rösten von Kaffee, Nüssen, Getreide






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