回火机 LLoveras AAV 型

This continuous tempering machine, available with capacities from 250 to 1000 kg/hr  is based on the proven and well known Martin Lloveras AAV series tempering machine. The LLoveras AAV tempering machines offer excellent tempering results and prepares your chocolate for smooth and spotless moulding and coating. The heart of this tempering machine is the water circulation and plate system. Other elements of the machine are:
The water jacket:
The water for cooling or heating is pumped through the jacket at a pressure of about 2-4 bar. The steel water jackets are welded precisely to an equal wall thickness of about 10 mm. The entire surface is subjected to water flow. Key words are high speed, rotation, no obstructions and no turbulence.
The AAV Scraper

The scraper has major influence on the efficiency of the tempering process. The scrapper in the Lloveras AAV type tempering machine separates the chamber in two halves. The underside is cold and the topside is heated.  This design ensures that cold and hot crystals do not mix.
The chocolate transfer pipe system
This system is completely double jacketed. Water is heated by means of an electrical resistance and continuously pumped by means of a water pump throughout the pipes length, while a thermostat controls the temperature. Chocolate not consumed by the moulding plant or enrober is returned by an independent set of pipes back to the pre-cooling tank (optional supply) with its own heating and temperature control section in order to create a de-tempering zone, where crystallisation is destroyed. This return chocolate will then be mixed in the tank with new chocolate coming from the processing section.

回火是巧克力中的可可脂结晶重新形成稳定的β结晶的过程。一般来说,该工艺的第一步是将巧克力加热至 46 °C,从而熔化所有六种形式的晶体。第二步是将巧克力冷却到大约 27 °C。 在这个温度下,巧克力会被搅拌,从而在巧克力中形成小晶体。 之后,巧克力再次升温至 31 °C,这样巧克力块中就只剩下所需的 V 型晶体了。现在,巧克力必须保持稳定的温度,以便随时用于成型或涂层,确保巧克力的光滑和光泽。


特点 益处
Sraper blades on all inner surfaces of water jackets
  • Preventing flow obstruction
  • scraper blades assist forward chocolate flow
High velocity rotating water flow
  • Efficient cooling effect
Copper tubing and brass fittings
  • High quality properties
Stainless steel cladding, tanks, control panel
  • 卫生
  • 易于清洁
  • Future capacity upgrade
  • Piping sets
  • Pump
  • Decrystallizer
  • Return tank







烘焙, 巧克力



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