Chocoladevorm en plaquette sluitringen

The Newsmith Chocolate Mould and Plaque washers can be built both in single and in multi lane execution. They are used not only for the washing of chocolate moulds and plaques, but also for different plastic trays.
They are generally more compact than other similar purpose machines in the market, mostly staying under 4 meters in length..These are special purpose machines built to customer requirement. Multiple cycle options include for instance pre-wash, wash, multiple rinsing and drying.


Kenmerken Voordelen
Roestvrijstalen constructie
  • Stijf
  • Hygenisch
Ventilated loading & work station
  • Operator-vriendelijk
Bediening via aanraakscherm
  • Soft start
  • Parameterselectie
  • Registratie en opslag van gegevens
  • Printing & remote download
Energiebesparend ontwerp
  • Minder wasmiddelverbruik
  • Lagere bedrijfskosten
  • Minder impact op het milieu
Full drying option
  • Extra dry objects
Wassen, spoelen en drogen
  • Uitstekende reinigingsresultaten
Optionele uitrusting
  • Steam, gas, electric or hot water heating



Aanvullende informatie


washing chocolate moulds, washing industrial, washing plaques




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