Packaging primary

Branch of industry
Branch of industry
4-sided seal wrapper CWLS
Four-sided seal wrapping machine to wrap balls, 3D products and flat lollipops,  cookies, biscuits , etc.
Automatic Pile Feeder
This machine assembles products such as biscuits, crackers and  toasts slices into piles and feed these to the flowpacker infeed belt.
Automatic Roll Feeder
Machine for the automatic counting, grouping and feeding to the infeed belt of a flowpacker.
Automatic Slug Feeder
Carugil Omnia Bunch wrapper
Omnia series of lollypop wrappers are new and innovative wrapping machines from Carugil. The Omnia machine is the result of many years of experience, research and development.
Chocolate lolly wrapper RL
High output wrapping machine for wrapping chocolate lollies with a flat bottom.
Complete flowpack systems
Complete flowwrapping systems with automatic distribution, product orientation, grouping and infeed systems.
Figure wrapping machine FI
Rasch series FI-14, FI-15 and FI-16 are dedicated wrapping machines for hollow figures (symmetrical & asymmetrical) such as rabbits , sitting rabbits , Santa Clause and similar figures.
Flowpack machine - Pack 30
Flowpack machine for flowwrapping of products of flat products in low to medium speeds.
Flowpack machine - Pack 300
Flowpack machine for the flowwrapping of products of flat products in medium to high speeds.
Flowpack machine - Pack 60
Flowpack machine for flowwrapping of irrregular or fragile products in low to medium production speeds.
Flowpack machine - Pack 600
Flowpack machine for the flowwrapping of irrregular or fragile products in medium to hight production speeds.
Flowpack machine - Pack 90
Flowpack machine for the flowwrapping of regular products in low to medium speed production runs.
Flowpack machine - Pack 900
Flowpack machine for the flowwrapping of regular products in medium to high production speeds, using  a semi- or fully automatic feeding system.
Flowpack machine - pack 9000
Flowpack machine for the flowwrapping of regular products in high production speeds with multiple format changes, using an automatic feeding system.
TecnoPack FP020E Flowpacker
TecnoPack’s flowpacker FP 020E horizontal electronic packaging machine is TecnoPack’s solution for clients requiring a compact, average featured and easy to use machine which is both robust and reliable as well as being suited to industrial use.