Collecteur combiné sous pression

Pressurized depositing manifold are designed to be directly connected to a continuous aeartion unit or a metering system like a pump unit. Since these are closed systems wherby no hoppers are being used these depositing manifolds are particularly suited for the depositing of delicate masses and light foams. Combination or center fill depositors have two mass chambers and two rows of flow control valves. This enables to deposit different masses simultaneously through one nozzle.


Jam in marshmallow, Chocolate cream in marshmallow, soft caramel in marshmallow, side by side marshmallow, biscuit cream and jam


 Caractéristiques  Avantages
High grade aluminium construction
  • Light weight
  • Fort
Toolless system balancing
  • Easy balancing of system pressure
Internal water circulation system
  • Controlled heating and cooling
Rotary valve sealed in non-metalic polymer
  • High resilience
  • low friction
Servo driven rotary valve
  • Accurate valve motion control
  • Extra cleaning attachments for in-line cleaning  (CIP)
  • Special alloys protecting against masses with high acidity level
  • Special dual deposit nozzles
  • Special multi-peak nozzles


Informations sur le produit

Informations complémentaires


depositing centre fill, depositing combined, depositing multi layer, depositing pressurized, depositing side by side


Boulangerie, Bonbons et sucreries, Chocolat


Demande de devis

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