
2022 年,Trikno 股份公司接管了前 Knobel 股份公司的股份。Trikno 公司专业生产巧克力行业的沉淀器和成型设备。公司以令人印象深刻的创新和发展战略脱颖而出,拥有一系列高端的计算机控制巧克力模塑生产线和三维沉积技术。

关于 特里克诺

Trikno stands for innovation, flexibility and modularity. In their well equipped 3.500 m2 plant Trikno, which is a continuation of the former Knobel company, maintains an ultra-modern machinepark using computer integrated manufacturing technology to produce the strongest stainless steel machine frames and the most accurate depositors available in the market today. Trikno holds international patents for their cold-press technology and innovative spiral cooling concept. The company is famous for their gearless servo controlled depositors and for the application of their ‘Hiflex’ robotic pick & place technology in scraping, demoulding, etc. The modular concept allows for building a complete line in steps, to upgrade capacities or to change product ranges by adding the needed machinery into the open architecture of the Trikno network-linked systems. Moulds travel loose and free of any chain from one to the next production stage. Cooling takes place in the compact and patented spirals free from attachment. The de-moulding also handles the moulds independently. This allows for the use of  different mould materials (polycarbonate moulds, vacuum formed blisters, frames) in one line. The mould detection system reads the identification codes and initiates product specific actions in each step of the process. Trikno is a reliable supplier to the chocolatier that wants to have a leading edge in production technology. 


  • Chocolate- and filling depositors
  • One-shot or Cold-press technology
  • Chocolate moulding lines
  • 冷却隧道
  • Decoration lines with 3D depositing technology
  • Free-dressing depositors



公司名称 Trikno AG
公司注册地 Felben-Wellhousen, Switzerland
生产地点 Felben-Wellhousen, Switzerland

Year of initial establishment (Knobel AG)

Take over by Trikno AG 2022
Nr. of FTE's 30-50
安装基地 1600+
Sales volume in Mln Euro 5-10
出口比率 90%
Member of group 没有


  • Modular designed lines
  • Highest possible accuracy
  • 机器人应用
  • Cold-press technology
KCM 欧米茄巧克力储藏商
Cold press chocolate moulding plant
Precise chocolate shell production line for pralines, bars, figures, or even open shells with any style of decoration.
巧克力储户 KCM Eta/Theta
巧克力存款人 KCM Beta
工业巧克力贮存机,带 3 轴运动贮存器,用于生产固体产品和含配料的固体产品。这种贮存器特别适用于现有生产线的改装,也适用于第三方制造商的生产线。
巧克力储户 KCM Alpha
巧克力储户 KCM Alpha Compact