Univerzálny baliaci stroj RUN

Popis: V súčasnosti sa nachádza na území Slovenskej republiky: Universal wrapping machine for various products, such as products with flat bottom, eggs, balls, barrels and hollow figures in diverse wrapping styles. This machine is a further development of the proven RU machine’s with the difference that it’s components are bundled in modules, the speed is higher and due to the latter usually this machine is delived with an automatic feeding system. Weight approx. 1700 kg; Power 3kVA.

 Wrapping style: bunch wrap, double twist, string attachment; foot gluing attachment,  labeling, heat sealing, front folding, back folding, bottom folding seam, figure foiling, twisted string, string with adhesive tape.

Rozsah kapacity: up to 150 ppm , depending on shape and regularity


Features (some optional) Výhody
Riadiaca hlava registra
  • Full control of machine functions
Closed gear box with centralized lubrication system and constant oil filtering
  • Prevention of oil contamination
  • nenáročná údržba
Plynulá regulácia otáčok s frekvenčným meničom
  • Dokonalá regulácia rýchlosti
Discharge transport
  • Controlled product discharge
Feeding belt and automatic feeding systems
  • Vyššia účinnosť
Photo cell spot control
  • Print positioning control
Piece and tact counter
  • Accurate output measurement
Format parts , infeed, folding parts and discharge parts easily accessible
  • Quick change-over
  • Jednoduchá údržba
Automatické zastavenie podávania fólie
  • Žiadny výrobok - žiadny obal
  • Predchádzanie zaseknutiu fólie
Druhé zariadenie na odvíjanie fólie
  • Použitie vnútorného a vonkajšieho obalového materiálu
Spájkovacia jednotka
  • Automatic reel change for higher efficiency
Rozvádzač s SPS
  • Excellent central machine control


Packaging material dimensions


Cut off length Reel Ø Core Ø
40 – 100 mm 40 – 100 mm 250 mm

35 – 78 mm


Informácie o výrobku

Ďalšie informácie


wrapping chocolate balls, wrapping chocolate eggs, wrapping chocolates, wrapping double twist, wrapping flat bottom products, wrapping hollow figures, wrapping Lollypops, wrapping pralines


Pekárne, Čokoláda


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