Chladiaci tunel CTM

Carugil Cooling Tunnel Model CTM for cooling ball and cylindrical pieces, solid, hollow and filled. During the cooling process the form of the product stays unaffected. Due to an efficient flow system of the cooling air high capacities, up to 1000 Kg/hr are possible. This cooling tunnel can be supplied with different options so as to meet with customer’s specificic situation and requirtements. Moreover, depnding on the model,  they can be retrospectively upgraded to higher capacities.
These cooling tunnels may be configured in open or closed version, for small en medium sized producers or for larger industrial facilities. Cooling may be by means of gas or chilled water.


Funkcie Výhody
Extra large product tiers
  • Constant rolling of products
  • Prevents deformation
Optimal cooling air flow system
  • High capacity
  • Even cooling
Modem connections
  • Remote assistance possible
Vyhotovenie z nehrdzavejúcej ocele
  • Hygiena
  • jednoduché čistenie


Model CTM-6000

Model CTM-6000 C


Up to 1000 Kg/hr

Up to 1000 Kg/hr

Nr. Of tiers




2985 x 1120 x 965 mm

3750 x 1710 x 1800 mm

Cooling system

Ambient air

Up to 30 kW


1,05 kW

1,05 kW + cooling unit

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