Coating system ADE

ADE type coating system is tiltable. The pan can be swiveled by means of a gear motor from -90° to +90° to the horizontal line. The machine is equipped with a hood for the guidance of supply and exhaust air and connections for a spraying system. The ADE is operated by a graphical display (touch panel) with which the control of the periphery (vessel for the medium, air treatment station, automated spraying) can be realized. For a high degree of automation the system can of course be equipped with a recipe controlling unit.


 Funkcie  Výhody
Tilting mechanism
  • Prívetivosť pre operátora
  • Easier emptying
Nerezová oceľ 1.4301
  • Hygenic
  • Silný
Frekvenčne riadený pohon
  • regulácia rýchlosti
Digitálny ukazovateľ rýchlosti
  • Process control



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