
The speedmix is a good solution for many mixing problems.  In the speed mix mixing turbine the rotation shaft is protected by means of a jacketed pipe. Below this pipe a retaining sluice is mounted in which the propellor is turning. This retaining sluice functions as a pump and causes an axial current. The jacket pipe avoids a fortex rising alongside the fast rotating shaft. The axial current cartridge  of the speedmix guarantees an intensive mixing without air impact between the liquids that have to be mixed with powders and granulates, also at high revolutions. The speedmix can be used to mix, homogenize, disperse, suspend and dissolve a wide range of masses. Capacity range: from 0,75 to 30 kW , 750 – 3000 rpm.

 Features  Benefits
 Stepless frequency controlled speed drive
  • Speed control
 Superb welding technology
  • sanitary execution
  • no hair tears in the steel
  • easy cleaning and flushing
 stainless steel construction
  • hygenic
  • easy cleaning
 No contact bearring-product
  • no contamination
  • hygiene
Standardized flanges
  • easy replacement and maintenance



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Candy & sweets, Chocolate


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