Continuous cooking system

The Vomadiss is a revolutionary cooking system developed and patented by Vomatec. It is a horizontal cooking system consisting of a cylindrical cooking vessel, with inside a number of tubes. The tubes are provided with static mixers that enable a quick heating up of the mass that is pumped through the tubes.

This invention reduces cooking times to about 30% of the usual cooking times, thus realising savings on energy consumption and cost. The average dwelling time in the cooker is between 60 en 90 seconds. This short dwelling time contributes to the inversion of the cooked product. This makes it possible that heat sensitive ingredients such as gelatine can be cooked with the mass. The Vomadiss can be easily opened and cleaned with water and steam. This is a big advantage compared to other systems.

Extra provisions have been made to the product feed pipes of the cooker, so that in case of a power interruption the cooker can be blown clean and no burning will occur. The inside of the cooker can be checked easily by removing the stainless steel head-plates. The Vomadiss is suitable for most sugar products or sugar replacers and is supplied with or without vacuum chamber depending on the product. The vacuum chamber serves to take out the cooking vapour by means of vacuum. The vapour is condensed in a condenser. At the same time the cooked mass is being cooled down in temperature.


 Features  Benefits
 mounted on frame
  • compact
  • easy installation
 bolted side plate
  • easy opening
  • extraction of static mixers
  • easy cleaning
 tubes and static mixers
  • short cooking times
  • no product burning
  • energy savings
 connected vacuum chamber
  • efficient cooling down of mass
  • fast extraction of vapour
  • hard & soft candy executions

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Candy & sweets, Chocolate


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