Privacy Policy

Privacy and cookie statement (0522-V1)

Cormac Industrial BV, with registered address at Botter 32-51 8243 KK Lelystad, the Netherlands, is responsible for the processing of personal data as referred to in this data protection privacy  declaration.

Contact details:

Cormac industrial BV
PO Box 553
8200 AN Lelystad
The Netherlands

Telephone : +31 320 258549 Website:

Company Register: 39053188

Data Protection Principles

We will comply with the data protection principles when gathering and using personal information, as set out in our data protection policy.

Responsible data protection officer

W.J. van Rossum is the officer responsible for protecting personal data of Cormac Industrial. He can be reached at the following email address:  

Personal data which we may record

Cormac Industrial records your personal data because you make use of our services or because you have provided these personal data to us yourself.  Here below you will find a summary of the personal data which we collect and use:

  • Surname
  • First name(s)
  • Gender
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • Other personal data which you actively provide yourself , for instance by creating a profile on our website, by responding to our contact form, in correspondence or by phone
  • Information about your activity on our website

Special and/or sensitive personal data

Our website and services have no intention to collect data of website visitors below the age of 16. Should we, despite this, process any such information, we will do so exclusively with the permission of their parents or guardians. However, we cannot check or control whether a visitor to our website is younger or older than 16. Therefore we recommend parents to be involved in the online activities of their children in order to prevent that personal data of these children will be collected without parental permission. If you are convinced that we have recorded any personal data of a person younger than 16 years without this permission, please contact our data protection officer. We shall then immediately delete such information.

Purpose for which we may record personal data:

Cormac Industrial may be using your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To communicate with you concerning our services and the commercial process in case we have business with you.
  • To occasionally dispatch our newsletter, leaflet, brochure or other product/service information
  • To inform you of any changes in our contact data, services or products
  • To be able to deliver our goods/services to you, when ordered
  • To handle or communicate your payments
  • To communicate with you about after sales service

Automated decision making

Cormac Industrial has not automated any decision making on the basis of recorded personal data about I issues that might have (substantial) consequences for persons. This concerns decisions taken by computer programs or IT-systems without the involvement of a human being, for instance an employee of Cormac Industrial.

Personal data storage period

Cormac Industrial keeps your personal data not longer than strictly necessary to realize the goals for which we have collected these data. We generally respect the below storage periods for the following categories of personal data:

Category 1

Business to Business contacts, company emloyees and -officers

Storage period

15 years

Recorded data

First name(s) , surname, job title , department , telephone number, e-mail address


Business contact related to purchase, sales, transactions, marketing, advise.

Category 2

Private Customers and prospects

Storage          period    

5 years for prspects and 10 years for customers

Recorded data

First name(s) , surname, address, telephone number, e- mail address.


Making requested offers, updating on news, company developments. Confirming orders, transactions;  providing after sales service; providing information. The storage period may be related to the life time of our product if this is longer than 10 years.

Sharing personal data with others

Cormac Industrial does not share your personal or company data with third parties unless this is required to execute our agreement(s) with you or to comply with legal obligations.

Cookies or comparable techniques that we use

Cormac Industrial uses only technical, functional and analytical cookies that do not infringe your privacy rights. A cookie is a small text file that at first visit to our website is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical functioning of our website and serve your ease of using it. They ensure that the website is working properly and remembers for instance your preferred settings. Also we use these to optimize the use of our website.  You can reject the placement of cookies through the settings of your own internet browser. In these settings you can also remove earlier installed cookies or remove your browsing history.

The right to see, change or remove your personal data

You have the right to:

  • see, correct, change or have removed the personal data recorded by us
  • withdraw your permission to us to use these data
  • object against the recording and use by us of your personal data
  • request that we transfer your personal data to another firm, organisation or person

Any request related to one or more of these above mentioned right should be sent to the data protection officer mentioned in here.

In order to verify your identity when you make any such request, we ask that you accompany your request by a copy of your identity document. When you send us this, for the sake of your privacy, please make illegible the MRZ (machine readable zone – which is the string of numbers at the bottom of your passport), the passport number and your personal Civil Identification Number. We shall react as soon as possible but within 4 weeks to your request.

How we protect your personal data

Cormac Industrial takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent  abuse, loss, unauthorised access, undesired publication and unauthorised alteration.

The data base in which we store our and your data are hosted in ISO 27001 certified data centres. The company that supplies our data base system complies with ISO 27001 certification through an active data-protection policy and by meeting the demands related to the Privacy Declaration, the User Agreement, the Data-Processing Agreement, the Service Level Agreement and the Dutch ICT Conditions. The ISO 27001 certification warrants Integrity, Security and Availability. If you are under the impression that your data are not sufficiently protected or if you have any indication of abuse please contact our data protection officer.

We are confident that we can resolve any query or concern you raise about our use of your information. If you are not satisfied with the corrective measures taken by us may contact the Netherlands’ DPA  through the following link
