Industrial coffee grinder (small)

Industrial coffee grinder, specially designed for middle sized  production. The special design of the grinding discs assures a complete and uniform ground.  The machine is easily regulated by turning the top circular part , thus varying the degree of grinding. In the grinding chamber’s interior, the ejectors accomplish the mixture, as well as the crushing of the chaffs that could be ground. The grinding chamber is ventilated by air, preventing the coffee to overheat so that optimal quality and aroma can be achieved. The cofffee temperature is controlled by means of a probe. This machine can easily grind cofffee from very fine to thick.


Tolva de carga Puerta de limpieza
Imán de neodimio Motor y poleas motrices
Registro manual Protección térmica
Circuito de ventilación Centralita
Discos de dureza especial Halb platte Termómetro
Chasis monobloque Sonda de temperatura


Ficha técnica
Capacidad 150-300 Kg/hr
Potencia 7,5 HP
Tensión Trifásico 230/400V 50Hz

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molienda de café


Industria del café

Grupo de productos



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