
o Clevertech

Clevertech is one of the leading manufacturers the world specialized in front line and end of line engineering solutions, including palletizing systems, case stretch wrapping machines and case packers. In 2021 The company inaugurated a brand new production plant with a total area of 13.800 square meters, where state of the art internal logistics and quality control facilitities have been implemented. The company has a dedicated R&D team with capabilities in the field of 3D design, cycle handling definition and dynamic cycle simulation.

rozsah dodávky

  • Palletizers and de-palletizers
  • End of line handling systems
  • Basket loaders and unloaders
  • Stretch wrapping machines
  • Strapping systems
  • Pallet labelling systems
  • Case erecting, filling and closing/sealing
  • Integrated solutions


Název společnosti Clevertech S.p.A.
Sídlo společnosti Reggio Emilia, Italy
Místo výroby Reggio Emilia, Italy
Rok založení 1987
Počet zaměstnanců 250
Instalovaná základna 1000+
Sales volume 70 mln Euro
Poměr vývozu 50-70%
Člen skupiny Clevertech Group

jedinečné prodejní body

  • Customer focus
  • Holistic approach
  • Performance maximization
  • Global presence
  • Modular solutions
  • One stop supplier
Pallet labelling system
Pallet labelling device to be integrated with palletizing system
Stretch wrapping machine
Strech wrapping machines with rotating platform, arm or ring.
Paletovací systém pro bedny a svazky
Automatický paletizační systém na míru pro bedny a svazky s nízkou, střední a vysokou kapacitou.