Linka na zpracování smetany

Customized cream processing lines will receive product from a primary process conveyor or will be loaded manually. The processing line will generally combine multi-axis depositing stations and  injection stations with decorating and sprinkling units in order to perform multiple operation on the same product whil it tavels continuously on a dedicated transport conveyor. Products can be carried on the conveyor in either direct contact with the conveyor, mostly using low frictional flight bars or in thermoformed trays. These processing line may be laid out for different type of products. One may think of for instance a processing line for éclairs. In which first aerated fresh cream is injected followed by a topping deposit of fondant or icing. Another example of such line may be injection of fresh cream into choux buns or profiteroles followed by decoration of chocolate fondant icing. Or, one my think of the injection of jam into Berliner doughnuts, or cutting and opening long john finger doughmust with a stripe deposit of jam, custard or apple puree followe by a deposit of fresh aerated cream. These lines would also include fondant sheeting and decoration on top of a biscuit.  Product combinations are endless and these line represent a valuable and flexible investment for the customer.



 Funkce  Výhody
Opláštění a nosný systém z nerezové oceli
  • nízká hmotnost
  • silná
  • easy cleaneing
Místní dotykový displej HMI se vzdáleným elektrickým panelem
  • ukládání parametrů
  • řízení procesu
  • snadné ovládání
  • integrated depositing conveyor
  • injection stations
  • sheeting system
  • string decorators
  • and more



Informace o výrobku

Další informace


depositing combined, depositing multi layer, depositing multi purpose, depositing pressurized, depositing volumetric


Pekařství, Čokoláda


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