Čtyřstranná těsnicí balička CWLS

The four sided seal wrapping machine is a special machine to wrap balls, 3D products and flat lollipops. It enables the lollypop producer to offer aan alternative packaging to the market, containing more product label information and visual effects, colours, etc. The CWL-4S 600 model has been designed for entry level and mdium sized producers whereas the CWL-4S 800 model is more suitable for high speed applications in the industry. Since this wrapper is not mechanically connected to the lollypop cooling tunnel it can work independently from its upstream machinery. The wrapping format whereby four sides are sealed ensures a high degree of packaging integrity.


Funkce Výhody
Provedení z nerezové oceli
  • Snadné čištění
  • Hygienický design
Robustní rám stroje
  • Spolehlivé
  • Dlouhá technická životnost







600 ppm

800 ppm

Product diameter range

18-35 mm

18-35 mm

Stick diameter range

3,2 – 6,0 mm

3,2-6,0 mm


8,5 kW

9,5 kW

Informace o výrobku

Další informace


wrapping 4-sided seal, wrapping Lollypops


Pekařství, Cukrovinky a sladkosti, Čokoláda


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