Cocoa block crusher

This machine cuts 20-30 KG cocoa liquor blocks into small pieces. Generally this device is placed on top of a cocoa liquor melting tank. After cutting the reduced size pieces drop into the tank for faster melting. Two stainless steel rotary axles each fitted with fifteen knives and are running indepently of eachother are form the core of the cutting mechanism. The capacity is 14-15 blocks per hour, leading to an average output of up to 600 kg/hour, depending on the feeding speed.



Funkce Výhody
  • Zmenšená stopa
  • easy mountin above melting tank
Provedení z nerezové oceli
  • Hygienické
  • Robust

Informace o výrobku

Další informace


cocoa bean crushing, cocoa bean processing


Čokoláda, zpracování kakaa

Skupina výrobků



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